Sacred Rapé Circle with RapeZito Txais
Sa., 14. Mai
Summer is coming and we want to invite you to smell all the essence of it, combined with some pure organic Rapé medicine directly from the mothers womb in the Rainforest. Come and take a bath in the energies of Ni Yuxibu, the jungle energy from the Huni Kuin Tribe located in the Amazon itself.

Time & Location
14. Mai 2022, 14:22
Berlin, B96 104, 12099 Berlin, Deutschland
About the event
Hello sisters and brothers,
We have the pleasure and honor to welcome Txai Kupi Enu Bake, Txai Çakbîn and Txai Ole to our sacred location on Saturday, May 14th. We would like to invite you to participate in our Rapé circle.
From 15 participants the cost is 25 € per person.
If there are less than 15 people, the cost is 30 € per person.
There will be a short introduction beforehand about what Rapé is, where it comes from and how it works. Questions and answers about the Txais and the Huni Kuin tribe will also be covered in detail.
After the ceremony there will be the possibility to hang out for a while and have conversations if necessary or to delve further into the medicine.
Meeting point: Tempelhofer Feld Entrance Tempelhofer Damm Berlin 2:22 pm
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Start of the ceremony approx. 3:33 pm
From Tempelhof we will go find a nice spot in the grass where the ceremony will take place.
Join us, bring your own instruments or let the primal energies of a rape ceremony wash over you.
We recommend not to eat up to 3 hours before the ceremony and to drink only water or light juice on the day of the rapé.
It is possible that the spirit of the forest will deny you the rapé. Please respect these rules and come to the ritual only if you feel called from your heart.
More about the Rapé:
The 'blow tobacco' is artfully made from highly energized Amazonian plants, herbs, seeds and tobacco, as well as mixed with the ashes of the bark of various sacred trees.
Procedure: The rapé is poured into a (bamboo) tube and then blown into both nostrils in succession until the energy flows freely. Mindful and completely thoughtful individually composed for everyone. In respect to the spirit of Rapé, we pass the medicine with much gratitude.
In general, the work with Rapé has the following supportive effects:
- Deep opening and alignment of all chakras
- Improvement of physical grounding
- Deliverance of illnesses on the physical, emotional & spiritual level
- Decalcification of the pineal gland and opening of the third eye
- Removal of stressful thoughts and establishing mental clarity
- Removal of energetic blockages and entities
- Connection to the cosmic breath and spiritual vibration increase
The experience may also include:
- Strong salivation
- Stimulated intestinal activity
- In individual cases nausea and vomiting
All are normal side effects when stuck energies, toxins and diseases are released from the energetic and physical body.
To the Txais:
- Txai Kupi Enu Bake -
'ceremonial leader, playful singing, ukulele & space holder'
Txai Kupi, student of the Huni Kuin people in Brazil, has already been twice in the deepest jungle in Acre for several weeks, spending side by side with the indigenous tribe. His name was given to him in 2017, after a 3-day birth ritual by passing several tests such as not drinking water during the duration of the baptism. As a result, he was welcomed into the tribe with joy and remains an integral part of the Huni Kuin to this day. Meanwhile he offers trips for interested people into the Amazon and has gained 5 years of experience in dealing with Rapé and other indigenous medicines. He was guided and shown how to operate with energies in a ceremonially guided environment.
- Txai Ole –
'cacao specialist & space holder'
Txai Ole has been working with the heart-opening and healing qualities of cacao for several years. The Cacao Spirit is able to reconnect ourselves with what we really are as soul beings at our core, which is an expression of the highest love. The shamanic work with cacao helps us to reconnect with this highest consciousness by practicing gratitude and appreciation for our bodies and our lives, to remember what is truly important and to remember our purpose and destiny here on earth.
- Txai Çakbîn -.
'creative intuitive healing with voice, play, touch & sound'
Txai Çakbîn is sensitive to what people feel in the moment and/or also whether old and unresolved mechanisms are still at work.
He carries the people within himself and expresses in an intuitive way through his voice and body, the feelings that just can not find a way to the outside.
By holding a safe space, he grants you the opportunity for self-discovery and free development of these.
for questions contact directly
Fresh rapé is offered and made available for sale after the ceremony.
Also check out our site:
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Your Txais
RapeZito Circle
Meeting point: Tempelhofer Feld Entrance Tempelhofer Damm Berlin 2:22 pm - - Start of the ceremony approx. 3:33 pm
30,00 €+0,75 € service feeSale ended
0,00 €