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Botanical designation

anadenanthera macrocarpa

The Angico spirit causes a smooth opening to the realms of ancient wisdom. Using Angico Rapé gives a creamy soothing sensation which comforts the body and soul temporarily to remember pleasant states of being that can then be implemented in our daily life.


Angico is a medium to large tree commonly found in woodlands or colonizing open areas. Depending on the subspecies the cylindrical or twisted t trunk can feature 40-110 cm in diameter and is usually covered in dark bark with a scaly rhytidome. the bark is almost smooth and clear to rough or very fissured and dark. It can feature inflorescences in axillary cylindrical spikes, yellowish flowers but however is not very showy.

In ancient tradition Angico is also known as Willka, a plant native to South America that has been used by indigenous tribes for thousands of years for medicinal and spiritual purposes. Other names that can describe the same physical tree are Paricá, Angico de Casca, Arapiraca, Curupaí, Angico do Campo and Angico de Barca.

Red Angico is a plant from the fabaceae family. Its beauty is identified by reddish-brown wood and comes with many health properties. In Brazil it is commonly found in the caatinga or in sparse areas from São Paulo to Pará. Generally the parts most used in natural medicine are the bark and the gum.

The Red Angico seedling adapts easily to any physical soil conditions and is suitable for attracting bees. In winter it loses its leaves completely. It also has ornamental characteristics that recommend it for landscaping in general.

The Angico spirit, often represented as a tree, is a revered symbol of resilience in the Amazon, and its pods have been used in shamanic healing rituals in South America for millenia. It is an indigenous medicine that treats all our bodies including on the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional plane. Some difficulties of today's society are due to the improper treatment of diseases, focusing only on physical ones, forgetting that everything can be seen as psychosomatic, beginning in the spiritual side. Angico offers a vision inside the root of the challenges we face.

Composed of selected herbs and ashes from this tree, the holy Rapé blend is also known to promote balance, mental clarity and mental strength. It acts in a profound way connecting humans to their roots and to the nature around them enhancing the masculine energies inside all of us.

Angico RAPEZITO harmonizes our aura field with the physical body. It acts as a beacon of equilibrium and tranquility, helping users cut through the noise of everyday life and tap into inner peace. This rapé enhances focus and mindfulness. Angico Rapé’s distinct character uplifts the spirit and deepens the connection to Mother Earth.

It is a rather unusual Rapé, making it difficult to know what to expect from this medicine and rare to be found. Energetically, this divine blend connects us with our ancestors, allowing us to clear ancestral karma and hear the deep lessons associated with souls that have lived before our time. This blend is also great for balancing the chakras which are known as energy centers of the humanoid body. You may find sensations occurring from the root center all the way up through the crown and vice versa.

This specific Rapé has been reported on, to be more powerful using it outside in nature or around plants and sunshine. Having contact with the earth while using it implies a stronger sensation as shared by some of its users. Guiding the released energy into the earth as our skin touches the natural ground can be of great support while in the force of the Angico spirit.

Angico rapé opens a conscious connection to the energy field of our physical body and encourages meditation. It helps to hold concentration for longer periods of time. It stimulates parts of our beings that open a flow of increased strength and energy to focus in spiritual activities as well as in daily routines.

The mixture is created in a sacred and ancestral alchemy, carefully prepared in a ritual that respects the tradition of indigenous peoples. Usually originating in the rich forest of Acre it carries the wisdom and spirituality of our ancestors inside. Indigenous communities see the preparation as a sacred connection with the divine, a portal to reach deeper states of consciousness and transcendence.

The active ingredients found in the physical representation of the divine plant teacher are tannins, mucilage and peptides. It serves with an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, aphrodisiac, astringent, antidysenteric, carminative, antihemorrhagic, depurative, healing, expectorant and decongestant function. It is also widely used for respiratory diseases such as asthma, cough, pharyngitis, sinusitis and bronchitis to clear airways and loosen mucus. Other reasons connecting with Angico are the treatment of headaches, muscle ache, organic weakness and lack of appetite because it serves as a revitalizer. It is also indicated in the treatment of rheumatism, bruises and wounds, as well as strengthening bones.

It is known and used to treat gynecological problems in women, such as menstrual cramps, also called dysmenorrhea or bleeding in general as it is a hemostatic. On the other side Angico is known to relieving tension and anchoring the masculine force. It is bringing a state of relaxation and connection with spiritual forces. Angico Rapé brings a calming effect helping to reduce anxiety and stress. The main flow of energy can often be felt especially in the heart and sacral chakras while also stimulation the third eye in general.

Many users report deep experiences of insight while others claim the Rapé of Angico acting on the throat chakra by unblocking on an energetic level everything that prevents free expression of what is stuck internally. In this sense it helps in the determination of transmission, promoting internal coherence between emotion and manifestation, contributing to the fluidity of our actions from the solidity of the inner core. It rebalances the center of our expression, supporting us in the coherence between heart and expression and the manifestation of our authentic self.

Angico holds deep spiritual meaning as a symbol of healing, transformation and ancestral wisdom. It is revered for its role in traditional medicine and sacred ceremonies, representing the spiritual power of nature and the profound connection between humans and the natural world. Angico is truly considered a sacred plant by the indigenous tribes of South America and is used in rituals and spiritual exploration as a way of connecting with the spirit world. Through its strength, resilience and sacred qualities, it serves as a reminder of the holistic balance between body, mind and spirit.

Therefore using Angico RAPEZITO is more than just connecting with individual physical sensations as it creates awareness into each ones unique journey of self-knowledge and introspection through mother earth and our past as a whole. Approached with integrity, dedication and humility a transformation can be reached that enriches the spiritual life tremendous ways.


Medical Benefits: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, aphrodisiac, astringent, antidysenteric, carminative, antihemorrhagic, depurative, revitalizing, healing, expectorant, decongestant, asthma, cough, pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, mucus, headaches, muscle ache, organic weakness, lack of appetite, rheumatism, bruises and wounds

Spiritual Benefits: transformation, ancestral wisdom, stimulation the third eye, reduce anxiety, relaxation, connection with spiritual forces, clarity, deep experiences of insight, free expression, determination of transmission, manifestation of our authentic self

Main Chakras: Sacral, Heart, Throat and Third Eye

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