ABOUT COPAIBA (copaifera officinalis)
'Caring Supportive Healing '
Copaiba is well known for its tremendous medical properties and serves as a divine teacher to immediately boost the immune system. This Rapé delivers a soothing presence fulfilling the body with comfort and care while at the same time relaxing the mind.
The spirit being Copaíba is represented as a tree with a tall open canopy native to Latin America and West Africa with a strong presence in the Amazon rainforest. It is commonly 10-40 meters in height with its flowers being small and creamy-green in color. Copaíba grows fruits, which are up to 3 cm long and reddish when ripe. Other common names are Copaíbeira and Pau-de-óleo.
It has been used by Indigenous tribes for many thousands of years. Some of the main functions are said to be treating skin diseases, insect bites and healing wounds. The Indigenous people noticed that the animals rubbed themselves against the trunk of the Copaiba tree when they had some kind of injury and discovered many more medicinal benefits testing it on their own bodies.
Copaíba helps unclog pores and control oiliness, treats acne, reduces eczema, takes care of psoriasis and diminishes the appearance of pimples. It keeps the skin soft and healthy through moisturizing it going as far as reduction of scars by minimizing their appearance. Other positive effects for example are strengthening hair strands leading to reducing hair loss and helping to relieve itching on the scalp.
Copaíba is widely known throughout many different native ethnic groups and used in many Amazon rainforest regions. All parts of the Copaíbeira tree, such as leaves and bark, have medicinal applications, but it is the oil extracted from the resin of the oilwood that is often utilized in the preparation of the medicine. Tribes like the Tucanos or Huni Kuin use its ashes to make Rapé with this divine spirit. The sacred mixture helps sharpen the memory and fights anxiety. Many make the experience of feeling lightness and a well-being to the body after its intake.
Copaíba oil is known as the "oil of life" which can give some users a more aromatic experience. Rapé from Copaíba is strong and recommended for sporadic use only.
Included in the wide range of healing is detoxification to restore balance and harmony throughout the human being. Also respiratory health is treated quickly, clearing the sinuses. Copaíba can even enhance our health creating long spans without colds, flu, coughs or bronchitis as it has a constant cleansing effect on the nostrils, removing mucus and bacteria.
Its Rapé contains a high level of beta-caryophyllene, a cannabinoid noted for anti-inflammatory to relief not only headaches and migraines but many more diseases. It was discovered that the oil could be used as an antiseptic in the urinary and respiratory tracts, and could even combat bronchial asthma with its strong anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antimicrobial properties. It activates oxygenation and blood circulation as well as serving as a powerful decongestant.
As we know now Copaíba Rapé has a vast range of medicinal benefits, indeed boosting our immune system in many different ways. But it doesn’t stop there as it works like a brain tonic and psychological soothing. Improved cognitive function, enhanced memory and reduced anxiety are positive mental side effects that come along during its use for physical healing or keeping the immune system on a high level. Diving even deeper into its full spectrum of benefit we can recognize, that it serves a great option for meditation and exploring spiritual practices in a grounded way through being full of serenity.
The conscious application of Copaíba Indigenous Rapé can harmonize the body's energies, providing emotional balance. Many sense an awareness of raise in the spiritual vibration, achieving a deeper connection with higher states of consciousness, feeling the essence of the Amazon rainforest and connecting to its natural wisdom. Copaíba serves perfectly in self-healing rituals, seeking balance and inner renewal as well as tranquility and introspection.
It has long been used to gain a calming mood and to help relieve stress, filling up the Heart Chakra with positive energy. Mental clarity and dignity are immediate effects through working on the Crown Chakra. The holy blend allows for connection to parallel incarnations and to uncover the deeper meaning that appears in life when used with the right intensions. It can take our journey as far as emerging into the etheric light of consciousness.
Copaíba truly brings a refreshing and dilating effect. It is a reminder that mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges are only temporary. It reveals to those who are open for the divine that we have always been cherished, accepted, valued and worthy of love. The clarity about our true self will become obvious to the point in which redefinition of outdated believe systems become an ease.
Feeling its incredible amount of benefits, leads to a deeper connection with oneself as well as to source itself while guiding us to higher realms of existence.
Medical Benefits:
- anti-inflammatory
- analgesic
- laxative
- antiblenorrhagic
- anti-oedemic
- astringent
- white cloth
- antibiotic
- emollient
- hypotensive
- bronchitis
- antimycotic
- detoxifying
- colds
- flu
- anticancer
- bactericidal
- antiseptic
- helps with expectoration and reduces coughing fits
- diuretic
- combats tissue dryness
- muscle relaxant
- minimizes stretch marks
- reduces itching from bites
- can combat sinusitis
- treats skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis
- moisturize the skin
- sterilize and disinfect damaged tissue
- accelerate wound healing
- reduce skin oiliness
- stimulate kidney function
- reduce blood pressure
- reduce pain
- treat urinary tract infections
- stomach ulcers
- dandruff
- chest catarrh
- leucorrhea
- cystitis
- gonorrhea
- diarrhea
- hemorrhoids
- chilblains
- arthritis
- herpes
- syphilis
- ringworm
- hives
Spiritual Benefits:
- raise in the spiritual vibration
- achieving a deeper connection with higher states of consciousness
- feeling the essence of the Amazon rainforest
- recongition of natural wisdom
- harmonizing human energies
- emotional balance
- cognitive function
- enhanced memory
- reduced anxiety
- meditation support
- relieve stress
- mental clarity
- connection to parallel incarnations
- etheric light experiences
Main Chakras:
- Heart
- Crown
Copaiba Rapezito
Rapé is a principal medicine that finds its use in many different areas. It can serve as a very powerful cure for all kinds of blockages. Made of the master plant Tobacco it is used to pray with, to purify the body, clear the mind, refresh the soul and ground deep into mother earth. It brings healing to not only oneself but others and the planet. Being with the Spirit of Rapé one can also study this medicine and go through strong experiences if one feels the calling.